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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.

NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The Problem With Lists

Learn about the difficulties in interpreting lists in law and strategies for avoiding problems.

Produced by: RELACS

Why an Editor Is Your Fiend, We Mean Friend

Learn about citation style, footnotes and more while discovering how editors can go beyond the role of quality control specialists to save writers time spent anguishing over details.

Produced by: RELACS

The Environment Policy Landscape: An Overview

NCSL’s environmental policy experts provide an overview of 2021 state policies addressing environmental health and cleanup, solid waste management and natural disasters, and give a brief federal overview of salient state-federal environmental issues. Speakers include Mindy Bridges, Kristen Hildreth, Shelly Oren and Jennifer Schultz, NCSL.

State Outdoor Recreation: Climbing to New Heights

Learn about the many facets of the outdoor recreation economy and highlighted state and federal policies to maximize opportunities for America's 144 million outdoor enthusiasts, including the creation of state offices, funding approaches, tools for land conservation and more. ​Speakers include Brian Bloodsworth, Great American Outdoors Act program management office; Representative Jamie Becker-Finn (D-Minn.), Pitt Grewe, Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation; Joel Lynch, National Park Service, and Jessica Turner, Outdoor Recreation Roundtable.

Increasing Access to Rural Behavioral Health

Behavioral health disorders can be challenging to identify, screen for and treat, especially in rural communities. Learn about state policy options to increase access to rural behavioral health services including crisis hotline upgrades, opioid use disorder treatment, scope of practice and licensing for behavioral health professionals and more. Speakers include Kelly Hughes, Charlie Severance-Medaris and Sydne Enlund, NCSL, Shawnda Schroeder and Andrew J. McLean, University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences.
