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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.

Legislative Institution

Let's Binge-Watch the Legislative Channel!

Consider whether your state should join the growing number with a dedicated public affairs network. Leaders of three networks talk about operations and funding, advantages and challenges of networks, and what the future holds. Watch examples of programming, get a behind-the-scenes look at operations and find out more about lessons learned during the pandemic. Speakers include Megan Wycuff, The Ohio Channel, Renee Radcliff Sinclair, TVW, and William Bevacqua, The Connecticut Democracy Center.

Secrets of Parliamentary Rule-Makers and Managers

Learn about the roles of clerks, secretaries and parliamentarians, how they conduct their work, and some of the unique challenges they face. Find out more about what goes on behind the scenes, especially when rules, processes and personalities collide. Speakers: Susan Kannarr, Chief Clerk, Kansas House of Representatives, Clancy Myer, Parliamentarian, Pennsylvania, Jennifer Novak, Secretary, Idaho Senate, Yolanda Dixon, Secretary, Louisiana Senate.

Returning to Work: What Legislative Human Resources Need to Know

State capitols are not only “the people’s house,” they are vibrant, busy workplaces for legislators and staff. But in the age of COVID-19, physically working under the dome can require operating under often-evolving guidance, protocols or rules. Sean Sullivan, chief human resources officer for the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), gives guidance and shares insights about what human resources professionals and legislative decision-makers need to know to successfully help employees, public officials and others return, or continue to operate in, their workplaces.