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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.

Retaining Your Focus

Whether you're reading a report, writing a memo or diving into deep work, your focus and attention span diminish over time. Come learn more about why your ability to concentrate is decreasing, and great strategies for fighting the distractions!

Legislative Strategies to Address Benefits Cliffs

Benefits cliffs are sudden and often unexpected decreases in public benefits that occur with small increases in earnings. States are increasingly examining strategies to reduce benefits cliffs in ways that increase household economic stability and incentivize work. This session will introduce benefits cliffs and how two states are approaching the issue.

Bored With Your Staff Onboarding?

 Legislatures are staffing up with new and session-only staff this time of year, not to mention swearing in new members. Effective onboarding can lead to decreased attrition, better employee engagement and a more efficient legislature. Join us to hear the latest tips and tricks!

Legislatures: It's the People

When all the pieces of the legislative staff puzzle come together, they make an effective, polished and intricate tool designed to support the legislative mission. Join us to learn more about the variety of legislative roles and the part each one plays in strengthening the institution.

Recruiting and Retaining a Strong Health Care Workforce

Health care provider shortages affect a variety of sectors, including primary care and behavioral health. With the rise of an aging population, retiring workers and those leaving the workforce due to burnout, states look for innovate strategies to recruit and retain providers in their communities. Hear about the policy levers states are considering to address their health care workforce shortages, and learn about the strategies that have been successful.
