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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.


Suicide Prevention: A National Lifeline for States

Suicide is a serious and growing public health concern in the United States. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States and rates of suicide deaths have increased in almost every state since 1999. The COVID-19 pandemic has created additional stress for at-risk individuals with calls to lifelines increasing significantly across the U.S. This webinar will focus on the rollout of the national three digit suicide prevention lifeline, states role in the implementation of this national lifeline and the policies states can implement to improve responses to these crisis calls. Speakers will also discuss ways of strengthening public health infrastructure to improve suicide prevention.

Pharmacists' Role in Public Health: Increasing Access to Care

State policymakers are increasingly bolstering the role of pharmacists to provide a broad spectrum of health care services, within their scope of practice, beyond assisting patients with their prescription medications. Maximizing the use of pharmacists is among several state strategies to meet the unique health care needs of populations, especially those living in rural and underserved areas. This webinar will examine several scope of practice policy options for state legislators to leverage pharmacists as part of the health care delivery system. Speakers will highlight national trends in pharmacist scope of practice, including prescribing certain medications, such as tobacco cessation and contraception, and administering vaccines, among others, and share specific examples of policy options.

Insulin Affordability: Where Do States Go From Here?

The rising cost of insulin has long been in the national spotlight, and Congress, state policymakers and manufacturers have acted in response to this trend. Although these policies delivered meaningful insulin affordability for millions of Americans, some people with diabetes still face barriers. This webinar will provide an overview of these initiatives, consider potential next steps for states and highlight state examples.

Understanding Medicaid’s Role in Graduate Medical Education

As physician shortages continue to grow across the country, states are exploring ways to increase the supply of doctors. While medical school enrollment has grown 33% since 2002, the number of residencies available for medical school graduates has not kept pace. Funding is often the primary barrier for expanding residency programs. Behind Medicare, Medicaid is the second-largest explicit source of funding for graduate medical education in the United States, and it gives states significant flexibility in designing funding programs. This NCSL webinar will cover Medicaid’s role in funding residency programs, with perspectives from national and state experts on recent state trends in addressing workforce shortages.

Getting Value Over Volume in Health Care, Payment Systems

In health care systems across the country, many states are interested in payment and service delivery models that incentivize value rather than volume. But what do these systems look like? And what are the legislative opportunities to inform change? This webinar will provide an overview of value-based health care and payment initiatives, explore the legislative role in such initiatives, and highlight several state examples.
