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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.

Labor and Employment

Improving Access to Health Care: Medicaid, Telehealth and the Health Workforce

State policymakers play an important role in improving access to quality, affordable health care through multiple avenues—including coverage, services, timeliness and workforce—while also containing costs to the state. Medicaid provides coverage to 1 in 5 Americans and is a major driver of state expenditures, accounting for nearly 20% of state spending. Learn about various strategies to improve access to care through Medicaid, telehealth and health workforce development, including national trends and state examples. Speakers are Emily Blanford and Sydne Enlund, NCSL.

Building the 21st-Century Energy Workforce

Discover workforce challenges and opportunities facing the energy sector and how policymakers can support and train skilled workers to fill these vital positions.​ Speakers include Sandy Fazeli, National Association of State Energy Officials, Senator Eric Koch (R-Ind.) and Michael Makarski, Engineers Labor-Employer Cooperative.

ADA30: The Past, Present and Future of the Workplace

This sweeping legislation has transformed the workplace, giving birth to many accessible technologies and inclusive hiring practices. Explore how states have embraced the ADA, become model employers for people with disabilities, and what the next 30 years of employment for people with disabilities look like.

Supporting the Child Welfare Workforce during COVID-19

Explore how states are addressing in-person visits with children and families, securing safety equipment to ensure caseworkers can serve vulnerable populations, and otherwise ensuring children’s safety. Speakers include Dr. Mary McCarthy, National Child Welfare Workforce Insititue, Representative Jonathan Singer (D-Colo.) and Representative Tarah Toohil (R-Pa.).

Intro to Public Pension Design and Funding

Retirement benefits play a pivotal role in attracting and retaining talented public workers. While many public pensions are on a sustainable funding path, a few have fallen conspicuously behind. The gap between pension assets and liabilities for all 50 states stands at $1.24 trillion. Learn about design considerations and financing arrangements for public sector retirement plans. Speakers are Anna Petrini, NCSL, David Draine, The Pew Charitable Trusts, and William B. Fornia, Penstion Trustee Advisors.