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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.

NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

What's Up with the Census?

On its face, the census-a once-in-a-decade count of everyone living in the United States-is an administrative and even sleepy affair. Not this decade! With political power and billions in federal funds on the line, states have a strong interest in ensuring they are counted accurately. Learn as experts break down the numbers to find out what we know so far from the census about our nation's fiscal and political fates. Speakers include Kathleen Styles, U.S. Census Bureau and Marcia Howard, Federal Funds Information for States.

Pandemics and Budgets and Pensions-Oh My!

It's been a wild ride - from budget shortfalls to revenue recovery to an influx of federal dollars, states have seen it all. In one year, lawmaker deliberations shifted from what to cut to how to spend. Learn the long-term implications of volatility on budgeting, forecasting and pension management, how states fared during the pandemic, and what might be next. Speakers include David Draine, The Pew Charitable Trusts, and Aleena Oberthur, The Pew Charitable Trusts.

Reimagining Education in a Post-Pandemic World

Never has there been such a disruption in our nation's education system-or such an opportunity to reimagine an education system that helps students thrive and excel. One of the nation's most respected education experts discusses her vision for this new system and concrete policies and practices that will take us there. Speakers include Linda Darling-Hammond, Learning Policy Institute.

How to Keep Great Staff for a Stronger Institution

Retaining staff talent and expertise helps the legislature remain a strong, effective institution. But as employers, legislatures must battle strong headwinds right now: crushing workloads, tight timeframes, remote work, changing technology, negative public perception and employee burnout. Discover how to take on the topic of retention and hear strategies that you can use in your own legislative workplace. Speakers include Amber Clayton, Society for Human Resource Management, and Trent Burner, Society for Human Resource Management.

Just the Facts: Using Evidence to Make Employment Policy

Has the term "evidence-based" been bandied about so much that it has lost its meaning-particularly in complex policy areas such as workforce development? Learn what evidence really means and how it can help guide decisions that are more likely to achieve policymakers' desired outcomes. Learn about two research-backed workforce approaches that offer practical solutions for building a resilient workforce and strong state economy. Speakers include Mark Elliott, the Economic Mobility Corporation.
