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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.

NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

Civility: Disagreement and the Limits of Toleration

Is civility really a virtue? Or is it a covert demand for conformity that silences dissent? University of Oxford Professor Teresa M. Bejan sheds light on the subject, based on her "penetrating and sophisticated" book, "Mere Civility." She's filmed a popular Ted Talk, been interviewed on podcasts and has been featured in media outlets from BBC Radio to The New York Times.

COVID-19: Vaccines and Public Policy

Vaccination plays a key role in the response to COVID-19. Effective vaccine distribution, administration and communication can eventually end the pandemic. Learn the latest information on the COVID vaccine roll out and state legislative policy options and intergovernmental collaborations that enhance equitable access to-and public confidence in-vaccines. Speakers include Capt. Amanda Cohn, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Brigadier General Janeen Birckhead, Maryland National Guard, and Matt Bobo, State of Alaska.

Let's Binge-Watch the Legislative Channel!

Consider whether your state should join the growing number with a dedicated public affairs network. Leaders of three networks talk about operations and funding, advantages and challenges of networks, and what the future holds. Watch examples of programming, get a behind-the-scenes look at operations and find out more about lessons learned during the pandemic. Speakers include Megan Wycuff, The Ohio Channel, Renee Radcliff Sinclair, TVW, and William Bevacqua, The Connecticut Democracy Center.

Federal Infrastructure Update: Will States Come Out on Top?

Learn from NCSL staff about the impact on states of a bill covering transportation, water, broadband infrastructure, energy and more.

Legacy Knowledge Know-How in a Remote World

Legislative staffers are the keepers of institutional knowledge, a legacy sometimes unwritten and often passed from one generation to the next. But how do you effectively hand it down with new limits on side-by-side learning and in-person sharing? One answer: knowledge management, a practice that ensures all organizational information is identified and housed in a deliberate way. Learn more about this valuable technique and how it can help keep institutional knowledge alive. Speakers include Christina Miracle Finch, Congressional Research Service and Teresa Wilt, Nevada Legislative Library.
