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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.

NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

Drugged Driving: What's a State to Do?

Find out about states' efforts to collect data on drug-impaired driving and discuss the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's evaluation tool to help states combat drug-impaired driving. Driving under the influence of drugs-with or without alcohol-appears to contribute to crashes, but data is incomplete and inconsistent, making it tough to track the scope of the problem. Speakers include Timothy Kerns, Maryland Department of Transportation, and Staci Hoff, Washington Traffic Safety Commission.

You've Got $1.9 Trillion for Pandemic Relief. Now What?

Learn about the states' considerable leeway when it comes to spending the American Rescue Plan's $1.9 trillion. Speakers include Dr. Rachel Levine, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Jacob Leibenluft, Center for American Progress.

State Budget and Tax Overview

State budgets are central to the administration of state government. They allocate resources and prioritize state policies. However, budgeting is very complex, and practices vary across the country. So does the role of taxes. Enjoy a high-level overview of state budget and revenue systems. Speakers are Jackson Brainerd, Erlinda Doherty, and Erica MacKellar, NCSL.

What's Next for States? 3 Insights, 2 Tools and 1 Technique Just Crazy Enough It Might Work

Learn effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and how to prepare for the future, from renowned economist and futurist Rebecca Ryan.

Information as of April 2021.

State Budget Rollercoaster: From Revenue Nosedive to Surplus

Gain insight into recent state budget and tax actions as NCSL shares its newest survey information.

Information as of June 2021.

Speakers include NCSL’s Erlinda Doherty, Erica MacKellar and Jackson Brainerd.
