This webinar is offered as part of the National Legislative Program Evaluation Society's continuing efforts to provide online training to NLPES members and others. It will be recorded for those who are unable to attend the live meeting.
This webinar is about creating visually appealing and easy-to-read reports. A report 's design should have appeal at first glance and help readers notice what information is available. Why is this important? You may have less than one second to attract and hold users' attention. During this webinar, learn how audit offices have revamped their report designs to make them more visually appealing, useful and easy to read.
Moderator: Lonnie Edgar, deputy director, Mississippi Joint Legislative Committee on Performance Evaluation and Expenditure Review. Speakers: Kade Minchey, auditor general, Utah Office of the Legislative Auditor General title and organization, Emily Martin,committee communications administrative assistant, and Rebecca Connolly, research analyst III, Washington Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee, Rakesh Mohan, director, or Amanda Bartlett, principal evaluator, Idaho Office of Performance Evaluations and Catherine Vale, performance auditor, Arizona Office of the Auditor General.