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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.

Labor and Employment

Finding Future Teachers

Base Camp 2024

As states face challenges in building a high-quality teacher workforce, many schools have begun recruitment efforts with middle and high school students. Join us to learn more about teacher recruitment programs in schools, including Educators Rising.

Benefits Cliffs: Impact on Financial Stability and Program Effectiveness

Base Camp 2024

Small increases in earning can trigger sudden and often unexpected decreases in public benefits—the so-called “benefits cliff.” Come learn more about when they occur, and explore ways to mitigate their potential to destabilize household financial stability and add to administrative burdens.

No Degree Needed: Credentials for an Evolving Workforce

Base Camp 2024

Let’s dive into the complexities of the nondegree credential landscape! What important policy issues do states face around the accessibility, affordability and quality of the more than 960,000 unique nondegree credentials offered in the U.S.?

Postsecondary Career and Technical Education Pathways

Career and technical education pathways in community colleges are an important source of local talent for high-needs fields. Who are the students accessing CTE programs at community colleges and what are their challenges? Learn about state policies that support students pursuing career and technical education programs at community colleges across the country.

Expanding the Health Workforce: Licensure Compacts

In the midst of ongoing national concerns about the health workforce, states are looking at a variety of ways to mitigate shortages. Join us to hear more about interstate licensure compacts and how states are leveraging them to enhance their workforce and improve access to care.