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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.

Elections and Redistricting

Voter Confidence: What Can Move the Needle

June 14, 2024

Focus on the Voters

Who are the most important people in an election? The voters. In the third installment of NCSL’s four-part webinar series on election administration, U.S. Election Assistance Commissioner Tom Hicks will address questions voters often ask and how states “get out the information” to voters. He’ll cover how states ensure the right to vote for people with disabilities and citizens living abroad (military and otherwise). 

This is one webinar in a series on the 2024 election. View the whole series here.

After the Voting Is Over: Counting, Results Reporting, Recounts (and More)

The election doesn’t end when the polls close. Counting (and confirming the count) comes next—along with reporting results and, sometimes, recounts. Join us for the second installment of NCSL’s four-part webinar series on election administration to learn about what happens after voting is over. U.S. Election Assistance Commissioner Donald Palmer will consider how all states address these tasks that ensure accurate and verifiable results.

This is one webinar in a series on the 2024 election. View the whole series here.

The Election Workforce: The Front Lines of Democracy

It’s full steam ahead to 2024’s general election. What are lawmakers and election administrators thinking about now to prepare? Find out in this four-part series, hosted in partnership with the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. We’ll focus on the elections workforce; counting and recounts and more post-voting work; the voters’ perspectives and voter confidence.

This is one webinar in a series on the 2024 election. View the whole series here.

The Hottest Election Law Trends

As another presidential year looms, NCSL keeps a close eye on election policy, including how people choose to vote, vote counting, voter registration accuracy and much more. NCSL’s elections team shares insights from the last three years so lawmakers are prepared to pursue legislation to further improve election administration in 2024 and beyond.