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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.

Writing and Editing

Writing for a Legislative Audience

Legislative staff create a wide variety of written products. From newsletters to emails to constituent correspondence—the list goes on and on. But regardless of the purpose, certain tactics are essential to crafting concise, efficient and easy-to-digest content. Join us to learn how to effectively organize your thoughts and put them across in a form that maximizes the impact of your information.

Keys to an Effective Message—Story Principles, Focused Messaging and Communication Styles

It’s crunch time in the legislature and you are finishing up a big, complex project. Now you need to distill all that work into a summary to share with colleagues or constituents. Learn the keys to understanding different communication styles, identifying the main takeaway of your message and using story principles to engage your audience. Speakers include Marianna Swallow and Randy Ford.

Produced by: LSCC

Making Readers Care About Your Writing

All legislative staff—whether experienced or interns, clerical, legal or IT—will benefit by learning how to use an opening hook to get readers invested in a topic, develop information based on the readers’ questions about the issue, and present that information professionally but “conversationally” in a way that’s most efficient and compelling for readers.

Produced by: LSCC

Need a Well-Structured Sentence? Use an Old Tool for a Modern Job

Learn the basics of diagramming sentences, beginning with one subject and one verb and ending with complex examples.

Produced by: RELACS

Writing for the Legislative Audience

Learn some of the challenges involved in conveying complex information to busy readers and understand how they actually learn such information.

Produced by: NALFO Produced by: LINCS Produced by: NALIT Produced by: LSPA Produced by: NLPES Produced by: RELACS Produced by: LRL Produced by: NLSSA Produced by: LSCC