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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.

Legislative Institution

New Legislator Training

Equipping new state legislators with essential skills in media, negotiation, effectiveness, and working with lobbyists.

Economic Outlook: A Rocky Road Ahead?

The U.S. economy has faced many challenges over the past two years, and there could be more trouble coming. Hear an expert economist discuss current trends in the U.S. economy and potential challenges to state finances, including inflation, war, the pandemic and the job market.

Lessons in Trust: The Christmas Truce of 1914

On Christmas Eve in 1914, thousands of Allied soldiers put down their rifles and spent the evening intermingling with German fighters along the Western Front. In today's polarized political environment, what lessons can we take from the Christmas truce? How can we build the kind of trust in our legislative chambers that led soldiers to lay down their weapons and come together—even for one night?

How to Keep Great Staff for a Stronger Institution

Retaining staff talent and expertise helps the legislature remain a strong, effective institution. But as employers, legislatures must battle strong headwinds right now: crushing workloads, tight timeframes, remote work, changing technology, negative public perception and employee burnout. Discover how to take on the topic of retention and hear strategies that you can use in your own legislative workplace. Speakers include Amber Clayton, Society for Human Resource Management, and Trent Burner, Society for Human Resource Management.

Let's Binge-Watch the Legislative Channel!

Consider whether your state should join the growing number with a dedicated public affairs network. Leaders of three networks talk about operations and funding, advantages and challenges of networks, and what the future holds. Watch examples of programming, get a behind-the-scenes look at operations and find out more about lessons learned during the pandemic. Speakers include Megan Wycuff, The Ohio Channel, Renee Radcliff Sinclair, TVW, and William Bevacqua, The Connecticut Democracy Center.