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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.

Legislative Professional Staff Associations

Using Creativity: Don’t Just Survive, Thrive!

Many of us yearn to be creative but lack the courage to dive in. An artist with a background in business, Tricia Rose Burt has worked with Fortune 500 companies and industry leaders, blending her experiences and galvanizing audiences to step into their creative selves—so they can reinvent, adapt and develop new solutions both at home and at work.

Produced by: LSCC

OneNote for the Legislature

This interactive session will introduce Microsoft OneNote and how the digital note-taking app can be useful for legislative work. Legislative staff experts will cover the application of OneNote features and tools to different case studies to demonstrate how to put them into practice. It is recommended that attendees bring a laptop, iPad or other device with OneNote installed. 

Staff Strategies for Strong Data Analytics

Two NLPES officers share their experiences and strategies for staff to ensure high quality data analytics, including the roles and responsibilities of methodologists/data analytics staff and their involvement with project teams.

Speakers: Tyson Cabulagan, Methodologist, Utah, and Anastasia Prokos, Chief of Methodology Unit, Florida

Produced by: NLPES

Young and New Professionals Training | Constituent Service Is Customer Service

As an old business adage goes, “A happy customer tells a friend; an unhappy customer tells the world.” Excellent customer service differentiates good organizations from great ones, and poor customer service can have a lasting and negative impact on any organization. This session will uncover the organizational values of businesses that are best known for their culture of customer service and apply them to the legislative environment. 

Produced by: YNP

Joint Listening Session: Informing the Implementation of the State Local Cybersecurity Grant Program

On November 15, 2021, President Biden signed into law the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). The measure includes a critical priority for states and territories, a $1 billion over 4 years cybersecurity grant program designed to help state, local, tribal and territorial entities improve they cyber posture.

State coalition partners – the National Governors Association (NGA), the Governors Homeland Security Advisors Council (GHSAC), the National Emergency Management Association (NEMA), the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) and the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) – discussed questions and concerns on the new grant in order to help inform the implementation program.

Produced by: LINCS