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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.

Covert Testing and Secret Shopper Techniques

Have you ever wanted to cast aside the green eyeshades and go undercover? Our next professional development webinar will help you do just that. 

Produced by: NLPES

The Pros and Cons of Prescription Drug Importation

State policymakers are pursuing a range of options to potentially lower drug prices for Americans, including importation of prescription drugs from Canada. Since 2018, several states have pursued legislation to establish importation programs. Join us to learn more about the state importation proposal process, programs and policy tradeoffs.  

Tanked: How States Are Looking to Replace Declining Gas Tax Revenue

The steady decline of gas tax revenue due to more electric and fuel-efficient vehicles on American roadways is putting pressure on state transportation budgets. The benefits and challenges of alternative transportation user fees like electric vehicle registration and charging fees, road user charges and managed lanes will all be explored in this webinar.

NCSL State-Federal Briefing: SCOTUS Update

NCSL closely tracks U.S. Supreme Court cases with significant state impact. Join us for a briefing on the most impactful cases, including federal agency authority, redistricting, elected officials’ use of social media and firearms possession.

Focus on the Voters

Who are the most important people in an election? The voters. In the third installment of NCSL’s four-part webinar series on election administration, U.S. Election Assistance Commissioner Tom Hicks will address questions voters often ask and how states “get out the information” to voters. He’ll cover how states ensure the right to vote for people with disabilities and citizens living abroad (military and otherwise). 

This is one webinar in a series on the 2024 election. View the whole series here.
