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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.

After the Voting Is Over: Counting, Results Reporting, Recounts (and More)

The election doesn’t end when the polls close. Counting (and confirming the count) comes next—along with reporting results and, sometimes, recounts. Join us for the second installment of NCSL’s four-part webinar series on election administration to learn about what happens after voting is over. U.S. Election Assistance Commissioner Donald Palmer will consider how all states address these tasks that ensure accurate and verifiable results.

This is one webinar in a series on the 2024 election. View the whole series here.

Instructional Leadership: The Importance of Principal Professional Development in Reading and Mathematics

As states work to improve student outcomes in reading and mathematics, it is critical to attend to the professional learning needs of principals. Hear about the research on the importance of principal instructional leadership as well as principal experiences in efforts to improve student outcomes. 

Energy Efficiency for Low-Income Households and Renters

Low-income households across the U.S. have higher energy burdens, but also typically have less access to energy efficiency services. This webinar will cover the main obstacles and the opportunities legislators can take to improve energy affordability through energy efficiency measures.

Postsecondary Career and Technical Education Pathways

Career and technical education pathways in community colleges are an important source of local talent for high-needs fields. Who are the students accessing CTE programs at community colleges and what are their challenges? Learn about state policies that support students pursuing career and technical education programs at community colleges across the country.

Beyond Infrastructure: Solutions to Deployment Barriers (Part 2)

Join this webinar to learn more about policy barriers that state broadband offices are facing, including digital equity, broadband adoption and affordability, and learn about solutions states have identified to funding barriers. NCSL gratefully acknowledges The Pew Charitable Trusts for its support of this two-part webinar series.

This is one webinar in a two-part series on Broadband Deployment and BEAD. View the whole series here.
