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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.

Professional Development

Data Visualization: Tools and Trends

Data visualization can be an important way for legislative staff to convey information. Learn about the latest data visualization tools and trends and how they can be used to distill complex topics for any audience.

Federal Transportation Policy Update: What's Ahead

From the infrastructure law to autonomous vehicles and beyond, join us for an in-depth discussion on all things federal transportation policy as we head into 2023 and the start of the 118th Congress.

Public Engagement: Tips and Tricks

Getting the word out about what's happening in the legislature and fostering positive relationships with constituents can be difficult. With so many avenues for engagement, how do you know which one is right for you, and how to use it effectively? Join our panel of experts to discuss ways to creatively communicate with the community and strengthen partnerships via social media, events and other tools.

Retaining Your Focus

Whether you're reading a report, writing a memo or diving into deep work, your focus and attention span diminish over time. Come learn more about why your ability to concentrate is decreasing, and great strategies for fighting the distractions!

Legislative Strategies to Address Benefits Cliffs

Benefits cliffs are sudden and often unexpected decreases in public benefits that occur with small increases in earnings. States are increasingly examining strategies to reduce benefits cliffs in ways that increase household economic stability and incentivize work. This session will introduce benefits cliffs and how two states are approaching the issue.
