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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.

Professional Development

Keys to an Effective Message—Story Principles, Focused Messaging and Communication Styles

It’s crunch time in the legislature and you are finishing up a big, complex project. Now you need to distill all that work into a summary to share with colleagues or constituents. Learn the keys to understanding different communication styles, identifying the main takeaway of your message and using story principles to engage your audience. Speakers include Marianna Swallow and Randy Ford.

Produced by: LSCC

Blurry Boundaries in Public Sector Social Media: Defining Clear Interaction Protocols

The open and connected nature of the internet allows us to easily exchange information, yet it also poses challenges with access and control. Employees represent not only their personal and social selves online, but also their professional selves and work for employers who also have these layers of interaction. Where do the boundaries exist to protect the key parties involved in these information exchanges? And who sets these boundaries and determines the rules associated with them? Speakers include Kristen Walker, California State University Northridge.

Produced by: LSPA

Beyond the Hashtag: Effective Two-Way Communications With Constituents

Whether during a fast-moving legislative session or a lull in action at the state capitol, constituents and legislators want to be in touch. But how do we effectively stay in contact with constituents in a way that makes them feel connected, involved and influential? Explore key questions and some cutting-edge techniques that can help keep your legislators and constituents better connected and better able to help one other tackle difficult issues both during and outside of session.

Produced by: LSPA

De-escalation Techniques for the Legislature

Dan Billings, who has spent 27 years investigating, researching, mitigating and teaching topics on workplace violence, teaches how to focus on de-escalation techniques to consider when dealing with potentially violent people you may encounter within and outside the legislature.

Produced by: LRL Produced by: NLSSA

From Chaos to Collaboration: Discovering Consensus Among Competing Interests

Legislators and staff are often faced with the challenge of making, or helping to make, decisions that satisfy diverse constituencies with competing interests. Learn about both the art and science behind finding consensus to address challenging public policy issues by exploring effective methods and proven techniques that produce agreement to policy challenges. Participants will walk away with new tools and skills for creating consensus among diverse interest groups.

Produced by: LSPA