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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.

Is the Clock Running Out for Standard Time?

Explore the current national clock-changing policy, state and federal roles, the renewed potential for time zone fragmentation and the impacts across various sectors of American society. Speakers include Representative Denise Brewer (D-Okla.), Representative Dodie Horton (R-La.), Dr. M. Adeel Rishi, the Mayo Clinic, Representative Raymond Ward (R-Utah) and Scott Yates, Lock the Clock.

Federal Stimulus: What It Means for States

Learn how states benefited and spent billions in state aid in response to the coronavirus epidemic.

Information as of October 2020.

Speakers include Marcia Howard, Federal Funds Information for States; Emily Maher, NCSL; Katherine Schill, Minnesota House of Representatives and Eric Nauman, Minnesota Senate.

Public Pension Management Tools in Action, Part 1: Economic Scenario Modeling and Stress Testing in the Time of COVID-19

Learn tools—like stress testing during a downturn—to help states make sound decisions and navigate future budget pressures.

Information as of October 2020.

Speakers include Kimberly Burham, Public Sector Retirement Systems, The Pew Charitable Trusts; Corryn Hall, Government Performance, The Pew Charitable Trusts and Joe Newton, Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company.

Exploring Climate Action Opportunities for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture

Explore policies, technologies and other initiatives that may provide a role for the agriculture sector to develop effective and sustainable practices in response to this complex issue. Speakers include Jenny Hopkinson, National Farmers Union, and Mackenzie Landa, U.S. House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis. ​

Green Means Go? What’s Next for a New Federal Transportation Infrastructure Package

Get an overview of congressional plans, as well as a discussion on the major issues under consideration. Speakers include Murphie Barrett, Associated General Contractors of America, and Paul Lewis, Eno Center for Transportation.
