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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.


COVID-19: Justice Responses for Pretrial Release and Jails

Learn about recent trends in pretrial release as a response to COVID-19, such as citation in lieu of arrest, release eligibility, financial conditions and more. Speakers include NCSL’s Alison Lawrence and Amber Widgery, Chief Justice Bridget McCormack, Michigan Supreme Court and Laurie K. Dudgeon, Kentucky Administrative Office of the Courts.

Unemployment Insurance: Compensating for Tough Times

Those new to the legislature or in need of a refresh will learn the basics of how unemployment insurance works. Speakers include NCSL’s Zach Herman, Michael Quillen and Jon Jukuri.

Just the Facts: How to Find and Use Evidence in Policymaking

Tune into this State Policy 101 session if you are new to the legislature or want to learn more about using evidence and data to guide policy and budget decisions. Speakers include NCSL’s Kristine Goodwin and Iris Hentze, David Anderson, Arnold Ventures and Alyssa Doom, Results First Initiative, The Pew Charitable Trusts.

Bringing People With Disabilities Into the Workforce

Roughly two-thirds of the 60 million American adults with a disability want to work, yet only 20% are active in the labor force. The unemployment rate for those with disabilities is consistently about double that of adults without a disability. Including people with disabilities in the workforce has broad impacts on each state’s overall economy and can provide relief to state budgets. Learn about the many policy options for engaging this largely untapped pool of workers.

Time Off to Care: The Fundamentals of Paid Leave Programs

Gain a deeper understanding of state paid leave policies, with a focus on the fundamental decisions in the hands of legislators. Learn about the benefits of paid leave policies for children, families and employers, as well as arguments against paid leave. Speakers are Suzanne Hultin and Alison May, NCSL.
