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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.

NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The American Court System

Learn the basics of how a case proceeds through the courts and how the federal and state court systems are organized.

Produced by: RELACS

Public Service in Difficult Times

The public sector, legislatures included, has faced intense criticism and scarce resources for many years now. However, there are techniques available to public employees to not only cope with these challenges but to thrive. Explore various ways in which legislative staff can expand their capacity and practice self-care in challenging times. The key is to transform our mindset from one that is in “survival mode” to one that seeks ways to be helpful and solution oriented.

Produced by: LRL

Speaking with Authority

Learn to increase self-awareness and personal brand when communicating daily. Whether you are a legislator headed into session or a legislative staffer gearing up for January, we all need to be concise, clear and credible. Ditch those phrases and words that undermine your authority, and replace them with words that have impact making you the expert. Speakers include communications expert Catherine Johns.

Produced by: YNP

Cybertechnology and the Law

New technologies are outpacing the laws that govern their use. However, a focus on outcomes and principles, rather than specific technologies or prescribed processes, can help avoid outdated cybersecurity laws and unintended consequences. Involving a broader group of technology, legal and policy experts in policy discussions also can lead to more effective laws and policies.

Produced by: NALIT Produced by: RELACS

Legislative Staff Training Programs: A Look at Diverse Approaches Across the Nation

Learn from representatives from three states who talk about their staff training programs. All presenters share the impetus and history of their state’s staff training program, problems encountered along the way and any changes made and advice for other states.

Produced by: LRL