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NCSL Legislative Video Resource Center

The NCSL Video Resource Center is a collection of recorded webinars accessible for on-demand learning.


Behavioral Health Parity and State Legislative Efforts

Nearly 1 in 5 Americans experience mental illness each year, and many lack access to necessary services and treatment. State lawmakers are pursuing various policy actions to ensure people have access to affordable mental health care, including enforcing federal behavioral health parity requirements and expanding insurance coverage for behavioral health. This webinar will cover updates to federal coverage requirements and highlight related state actions. 

Ensuring Quality of Care in Long-Term Care Facilities: State Actions and Innovations

States license and oversee an array of facilities offering long-term services and supports to patients. This webinar will highlight state examples of programs and policies that aim to improve care and ensure access in long-term care facilities, including improving state licensing and oversight of ownership structures, addressing workforce shortages and more. 

USDA Briefing on New Tools to Combat Summer Hunger

USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) Senior Advisor for External Engagement Alberto González and FNS staff briefed NCSL members on two new tools to fight child hunger when schools are closed for the summer: the non-congregate summer meal option for rural communities and the Summer EBT program. The briefing covered updates on these new options, including recent federal guidance, and how state legislatures can support successful implementation to better meet the nutritional needs of children during the summer months.

A Decade of Opportunity: Meeting the Complex Needs of Youth Exiting Foster Care

This webinar was held with NCSL Child Welfare Fellows and NCSL Youth Homelessness Fellows. The session features a presentation from Todd Lloyd of the Annie E. Casey Foundation on the needs, challenges, and opportunities facing transition-age youth, and how state policy can impact outcomes. In addition, two state legislators discussed how they came together to pass legislation supporting transition-age youth in Arkansas.

Concrete and Economic Supports at the Intersection of Child Welfare and Youth Homelessness

This webinar was held with NCSL Child Welfare Fellows and NCSL Youth Homelessness Fellows. The session features a presentation from senior faculty at Chapin Hall about four primary economic and concrete supports--earned income tax credits, child tax credits, direct cash transfers, and housing and employment resources--and how they can prevent youth homelessness and child maltreatment.
